Child Safe Reporting Obligations and Processes – 3pm to 4:45pm
Learn about your reporting obligations as a child safe organisation to help keep children safe.
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Who it's for
Our session on reporting is for anyone in child-related work responsible for child safety and developing child safe documents.
What we'll cover
Standard 6 of the Child Safe Standards requires child safe organisations to create processes that respond to complaints in a child-focused way. A child-focused complaints process supports children and others to raise any issues or concerns around child safety.
Our child safe trainers will explain reporting obligations so that participants can better understand what to report, how to report and who they need to report to. Participants will also learn how to respond to disclosures, create a culture of reporting and develop a Child Safe Reporting Policy.
To complement the session, download our Reporting Obligations and Processes handbook (PDF, 7.84MB) (PDF, 7.8 MB).
For more information, please contact our Child Safe Team.