SAFE series - 2pm to 3:30pm
The NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian is proud to offer this protective-behaviours program featuring SAFE series stars: Sam, Andy, Fiona, Eve and Mandu. The SAFE series is a set of four books about protective behaviours for children 2–6 years old.
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These free webinars will help early childhood educators develop their understanding of protective behaviours for young children, and how to teach these behaviours in early education setting.
The SAFE series books, animations and eBooks are free resources available to people who've attended this webinar.
The webinar will cover:
- learning objectives that link to the child safe personal safety messages
- practical hints, tips and tools to help personal safety messages come alive for children
- points of discussion for engaging with children
- ready-made activities that will help children see how the content of the books relates to them.
An email confirming attendance will be sent the day after the webinar.
Please note: The SAFE series program is not NESA accredited, and certificates are not issued. Due to staff working remotely and the strain on postal services you might receive your books two or three weeks after the webinar. There's a limit of two sets per service. Please provide us with your postal address. This webinar is for early childhood educators working within NSW. It's not suitable for parents and carers.
For inquiries, please contact Michelle Sultana, Assistant Child Safe Officer, at