Deputy Guardian begins new role

Richard Weston became the first Deputy Children’s Guardian for Aboriginal Children and Young People in NSW when he took up the new position in January.

Deputy Children's Guardian Richard Weston
Deputy Children's Guardian, Richard Weston, © OCG

Establishing the role within the Office of the Children’s Guardian was a key component of the NSW Government’s response to the Family is Culture report.

“One of my main areas of focus will be improving outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people in the child protection and out-of-home care system,” Richard Weston said.

“I’m looking forward to working with care agencies and the hundreds of child-related organisations in NSW,” he said.

Children’s Guardian Janet Schorer welcomed Mr Weston to the leadership team.

“Richard will lead the Office of the Children’s Guardian’s work of implementing the Child Safe Standards in NSW and monitoring agencies that provide statutory out-of-home care.

“One of our key aims together will be to develop new regulatory approaches to support the out-of-home care sector to better meet the needs of Aboriginal children and young people and families,” Ms Schorer said.

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How to renew using digital proof of identity (POI)

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