Safeguards for vulnerable children outlined in annual report
The Office of the Children’s Guardian Annual Report 2023–24 was tabled today in NSW Parliament.

In his foreword to the report, Children’s Guardian Steve Kinmond OAM highlighted our oversight of agencies providing out-of-home care, including statutory out-of-home care and respite care for children and young people with disability.
The report refers to important issues relating to the out-of-home care sector which have been the subject of broad public commentary over the past year, which includes discussion of our report to Parliament, Strengthening out-of-home care and the broader child protection system.
‘My sincere thanks go to my colleagues at the Office of the Children’s Guardian and the network of communities that support, care for and protect the children and young people of NSW,’ Mr Kinmond said.
Some key statistics from the report
- 1,922,363 – People with a Working with Children Check
- 292,151 – People with an NDIS Worker Check
- 717 – People barred from working with children
- 4,526 – Completions of the Child Safe Self-assessment
- 126,312 – People doing our eLearning, webinars, face-to-face workshops and other training
- 2,405 – Notifications to the Reportable Conduct Scheme