Official Community Visitors

Last update: 23 May 2024

Official Community Visitors visit accommodation services for children and young people, people with disability and people living in assisted boarding houses, throughout NSW.

On this page

    Official Community Visitors are appointed by the Minister for Families Communities and Disability Services under the Ageing and Disability Commissioner Act 2019, and the Children’s Guardian Act 2019.

    The scheme is administered by the NSW Ageing and Disability Commission.

    Official Community Visitors visit residential services where residents are in the full-time care of the service provider, including:

    • children and young people in residential out-of-home care 
    • people with disability living in supported accommodation operated by providers funded under the National Disability Insurance Scheme 
    • assisted boarding houses.

    The work of the Official Community Visitors is integrated into our broader regulation of agencies providing out-of-home care. This critical safeguard is an important element in our work to keep children safe in organisations in NSW.

    Find out more about Official Community Visitor Scheme or read current and previous Official Community Visitor Annual Reports on the Ageing and Disability Commission's website.

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    You can now renew your WWCC by using digital proof of identity – no need to visit a Service NSW Centre.
    How to renew using digital proof of identity (POI)

    You will need:

    • A MyServiceNSW account with the WWCC service added
    • 3 current identity documents including a NSW driver licence or photo card
    • a device with a working front camera for face verification.

    If you're renewing a paid WWCC, you will also need a credit card, debit card, PayPal or PayID account.

    If you have an expired WWCC clearance or have changed your name on your identity documents since the last time you renewed your WWCC, you can't renew using digital proof of identity.

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