Correspondence handling statement

Last update: 19 January 2022

Things you need to know before sending us your enquiry.

On this page
    • We aim to open all correspondence within one business day of receipt and aim to respond within 20 working days of receipt. The most appropriate Office of the Children’s Guardian representative will respond to your enquiry. 
    • Sometimes the matters raised in correspondence are complex and require detailed investigation. We will let you know if this is expected to delay our response.
    • Where any issues you raise are outside the Office of the Children’s Guardian’s responsibilities, we will forward your correspondence to another agency or Minister for their attention. We will let you know when we do this.
    • We will only respond to items where the Office of the Children’s Guardian is the primary recipient – not where we are a cc or bcc. • We will delete unsolicited advertisements without response.
    • We will forward any correspondence with threatening content or advocating illegal activities to the NSW Police Force.
    • We will not respond to correspondence with offensive language or content.
    • Invoices or other documents involving payments should be emailed, in PDF format, to
    • Your correspondence, once received, will become a formal government record. We will treat it with the appropriate level of confidentiality, consistent with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
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    You can now renew your WWCC by using digital proof of identity – no need to visit a Service NSW Centre.
    How to renew using digital proof of identity (POI)

    You will need:

    • A MyServiceNSW account with the WWCC service added
    • 3 current identity documents including a NSW driver licence or photo card
    • a device with a working front camera for face verification.

    If you're renewing a paid WWCC, you will also need a credit card, debit card, PayPal or PayID account.

    If you have an expired WWCC clearance or have changed your name on your identity documents since the last time you renewed your WWCC, you can't renew using digital proof of identity.

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