Under NSW law, Local Government must comply with the NSW Child Safe Scheme if they provide services to children, or if adults have contact with children in their organisation.
Under the scheme, the 10 Child Safe Standards provide a framework to help organisations more effectively prevent, detect and respond to child abuse. The Office of the Children’s Guardian (OCG) provides resources and training to help Local Councils meet the requirements of the scheme and keep children safe from harm and abuse.
Requirements for Local Government under the Reportable Conduct Scheme
Under NSW law, Local Government must also comply with the NSW Reportable Conduct Scheme if they provide services to children, or if adults have contact with children in their organisation. The OCG also administers this scheme, and we provide information and resources to guide you.
Organisations have different sets of responsibilities under the Child Safe Scheme and the Reportable Conduct Scheme. The schemes work together to help organisations protect children and respond properly to allegations of child abuse.
Local Government child safe resources
We have resources available specifically for Local Government delivering activities for children.