How to renew your WWCC

Last update: 18 July 2024

Information on renewing an existing Working with Children Check (WWCC). Your WWCC clearance lasts for 5 years.

WWCC renewal process

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If you are a new applicant, please submit a new application, do not apply to renew.

90 days before your WWCC is due to expire, you will receive a renewal reminder email. We encourage you to renew early to avoid your WWCC clearance expiring.

Renewal applications go through the same screening process as new WWCC applications and can take time. Please allow at least 4 weeks from verifying your identity before contacting us about your renewal application. 

There are 2 ways to renew your WWCC depending on how you choose to have your identification verified:

  • Online using face verification – instead of going into a Service NSW Centre to present your identity documents, you renew online and use your device to scan your face. The scan is matched with the photo used on your NSW Driver Licence or NSW Photo Card.
  • At a Service NSW Centre – you need to complete a renewal application form, then visit a service centre within 28 days to present the original version of your identity documents and pay your fee if required.

If you choose to renew and verify your identity at a Service NSW Centre follow the steps below. 

1 Complete the online WWCC renewal form

Renewal application form

To complete the WWCC renewal application form you'll need:

  • your name as currently registered on your WWCC clearance. 
  • current contact details. An email address is mandatory
  • to declare any previous names or aliases including maiden name, and any name changes
  • original identity documents (not photocopies, photos or scans) such as:


When you have completed the application, an application (APP) number will be sent to your email address.

You have 28 days to present this APP number and have your identification verified at Service NSW. If you don’t, the APP number will expire and you will need to complete a new online application form.

2 Take your email receipt, your proof of identity documents and fee (if applicable) to a Service NSW centre

To complete the WWCC application process, you need to have your identity documents verified at a Service NSW Centre.

Find your nearest Service NSW Centre

You will need to take with you:

  • A printed copy of your WWCC application receipt (including your APP number) or you can show the receipt on your phone
  • Your original proof of identity documents
  • $80 fee (if applicable). This fee will rise to $105 from 1 August 2024.


Once you have been to Service NSW, your application will progress to our WWCC system for screening. 

3 WWCC screening

The WWCC screening processes is the same for both new and renewed Checks.

The screening process checks for police and workplace records.

If you do not have any relevant records you will be granted a WWCC clearance. You will receive an email from us which contains your Working with Children Check number (WWC number). Give this number to your employer so they can verify your details online.

If you do have records, it may take longer for a decision to be made about your application. In some cases, you may need to provide further information for your application to proceed. Requests for further information are sent by email. If you do not respond, your application may be closed.

Please wait 4 weeks before contacting us about your application.

More information on the application process

After renewing, you will be sent an email confirmation with a new expiry date for your WWCC. 

Previously risk assessed and received a WWCC clearance?

If there are no new criminal or workplace records since you received your clearance, it is unlikely you will be risk assessed again.

Another risk assessment may be conducted if you have recorded new criminal or workplace records, or if we receive new information relevant to the safety of children.

You will receive an email if another risk assessment is required when you renew your WWCC. It is likely that a risk assessment will not be completed before your WWCC clearance expires. In this case, you will need to provide your employer with your application (APP) number. Be aware that some employers have a policy of not allowing people to work with children unless they have a full WWCC clearance.

4 Give your APP/WWC number to your employer to update in our system

So that your employer, organisation or parent who engages you to work with children can re-verify your renewed WWCC number and expiry date, you will need to give them:

  • your APP number after having your identification verified at a Service NSW Centre, and then your Working with Children Check number when you receive it. This number begins with WWC. 
  • Your full name
  • Your date of birth


When re-verifying your WWCC number, your new expiry date will also be displayed.

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You can now renew your WWCC by using digital proof of identity – no need to visit a Service NSW Centre.
How to renew using digital proof of identity (POI)

You will need:

  • A MyServiceNSW account with the WWCC service added
  • 3 current identity documents including a NSW driver licence or photo card
  • a device with a working front camera for face verification.

If you're renewing a paid WWCC, you will also need a credit card, debit card, PayPal or PayID account.

If you have an expired WWCC clearance or have changed your name on your identity documents since the last time you renewed your WWCC, you can't renew using digital proof of identity.

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