Residential Care Workers Register training

Last update: 12 July 2024

Training modules have been prepared for designated agencies to learn how to use the NSW Residential Care Workers Register. The modules explore the functions of the register, including how to record information about applicants and residential care workers and how to manage these records.

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    These 13 modules are for all designated agencies, to support you in your use and management of the Residential Care Workers Register. Those staff identified within each agency to enter and manage worker records should be familiar with the modules.  Where there is a specific register user type targeted by the module, this will be mentioned below. 

    Various guidance materials are available to help you understand the Residential Care Workers Register and your obligations.

    Find specific user guides and their corresponding training modules using our list.

    Download a summary of key information from our training modules.

    Module 1: New user account and first time login

    This module will demonstrate the process of logging onto the Residential Care Workers Register as a new user, the email you will receive which provides your initial login details and a link to the register itself.  There will then be a demonstration of how you will receive a verification code, how to set your own personalised password, and how to read and accept the Register’s terms and conditions. 

    This module is relevant to all users, regardless of the user role you will hold within the Register.

    Watch the video   

    Once you have viewed the module, please take the time to complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    Quick guide on logging into the Residential Register

    Information on the General User access role

    Information on the Head of Relevant Entity and the Reportable Allegations Officer access role

    Information on the Primary and General administrators access role

    Information on the Read-only General User access role

    Module 2: Managing user accounts

    This module will demonstrate how the agency’s Primary and General Administrators navigate the Residential Care Workers Register. It will also demonstrate how these roles create and manage user accounts for their agency, update the agency’s alert contact details, and how they are able to download reports for their agency.

    The Primary Administrator user account is the first one created for an agency. This occurs when an agency’s registration is first approved by the OCG. The Primary Administrator is then responsible for creating other agency users. Once created, a General Administrator is also able to create agency users. This module is therefore most relevant to the Primary and General Administrator roles for each designated agency.

    Watch the video

    Once you have viewed the module, please take the time to complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    Download our guide on the Primary and General administrators access roles.

    Module 3: Agency dashboard overview

    This module will demonstrate an overview of the agency dashboard on the Residential Care Workers Register, including the general layout and navigation. The demonstration will include the location of key information and how to navigate through each of the areas.

    This module is relevant to all user roles as the Register’s screen design and the look and feel is consistent for everyone. The visibility of some functions will differ between user roles, depending on the permission attached to the user type.

    Watch the video

    Once you have viewed the module, please take the time to complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    Download our guide on agency's key statistic reports.

    Module 4: Agency reports

    Within this module, you will see the reports available for agencies within the Residential Care Workers Register. This will include an explanation of how to run a report, some handy tips for viewing these on the screen and how to export a report to view outside of the Register.

    This video is relevant to any agency user who will be responsible for running reports for the agency or will be using these to support the agency’s operational purposes.

    Watch the video

    Once you have viewed the module, please take the time to complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    Download our guide on generating agency reports.

    Module 5: Agency registration

    This module will demonstrate the process for agencies to complete the registration process in order to access the Residential Care Workers Register. This is relevant to all designated agencies, but in particular for those who have not yet completed this process, or new agencies, who have not yet been granted access to the register. The demonstration will include looking at the invitation email sent to the agency’s Principal Officer, an outline of the information that must be included and an explanation of how to complete the online registration form. Upon receipt, the Principal Officer can complete the form, or forward this to a suitable staff member to complete.

    This module is relevant to any agency employee who will be responsible for completing the registration process. As part of completing the process, the agency will need to nominate a number of contact emails, which will be used for the automatic alert emails, which are triggered from the register. The module is therefore also relevant to the agency’s nominated Primary Administrator, as it is this user role who is able to amend / update the email contacts for the agency within the register itself.

    Watch the video

    Once you have viewed the module, please complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    Agency registration guide

    Information on alert email contacts

    Module 6: Entering a back capture worker

    This module related to the requirement for designated agencies to record their existing workers within 90 days of the Residential Care Workers Register commencing. As this timeframe has now passed, the training video has been removed as this is no longer relevant to the OOHC sector.

    Module 7: New worker application

    This module will look at how to record a new worker application on the Residential Care Workers Register, for an individual not yet engaged as a residential care worker at the time of the Register’s commencement, on 18 July 2022. This includes any worker who had already applied for a role prior to the register commencing, but where the individual had not yet commenced employment, as well as any individual who applies for a role after the register has commenced. This module will demonstrate the full process for the entry to be made, including how to create a new worker application record, the process of validating the individual’s personal identification and requesting consent from the worker to be entered, as well as detailing the specific information to be recorded.

    This module is relevant to any agency user who will be responsible for the management of new application entries on the Register for their agency. It will also be of interest to all users, to understand the background to this process and to assist with managing worker records for your agency.


    Please note that the Community Services check is not a current probity check requirement for residential care workers upon entering them onto the register. This check, which is undertaken by the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) will be introduced at a future date.

    The video demonstration for this module will indicate that the CS Check is a requirement and will describe the entry of the information for this. This is because the decision to include this check was changed following the Register’s build.

    When this probity check is to be introduced, there will be communication with the OOHC sector.

    Watch the video

    We have an additional video looking at the policy behind the functions to restore a previous application or re-engage a previous worker.

    Once you have viewed the module, please take the time to complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    This guide details how to record a new worker application on the Residential Care Workers Register, including the process for the entry to be made, how to create a new worker application record, validating the individual’s personal identification, requesting consent from the worker to be entered, as well as detailing the specific information to be recorded.

    Module 8.1: Worker record management - part 1

    This module is the first of 2 modules looking at the management of worker records within the Residential Care Workers Register. The module will demonstrate a general overview of the worker record screen and then look at how to search for a worker within the Register.

    This video is relevant to all agency users, as the management of worker records within the Register is a key responsibility for designated agencies.

    Watch the video

    Once you have viewed the module, please take the time to complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    Quick guide on how to search for your agency workers

    Information on workers' activity log

    Information on editing engagement dates and probity

    Information on email notifications to other agencies

    Information on agency-specific emails

    Information on marking a worker as deceased

    Information on printing workers' record

    Module 8.2: Worker record management - part 2

    This module is the second of 2 modules looking at the management of worker records within the Residential Care Workers Register. This module will explore the function to edit your agency’s own reference for a worker or some of the worker’s personal details. Other key actions related to managing a worker record will also be demonstrated, including the WWCC verification process, name changes for an individual, managing a worker’s other names, ending the engagement of a worker with your agency and the entry of a flag to indicate whether your agency has relevant information to exchange about an individual.

    This video is relevant to all agency users, as the management of worker records within the Register is a key responsibility for designated agencies. In particular this is relevant to those who have responsibility to keep the records of their workers up to date.

    Watch the video

    We have an additional video looking at the policy behind the functions to restore a previous application or re-engage a previous worker.

    Once you have viewed the module, please take the time to complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    Quick guide on how to search for your agency workers

    Information on ending engagement with and re-engaging workers

    Information on updating worker details

    Information on WWCC verification

    Module 9.1: Lodging a new reportable allegation

    This is the first of 4 modules which explore the functionality on the Residential Care Workers Register in relation to reportable allegations. This module will demonstrate the process of lodging a new reportable allegation on the Register, including who is permitted to do this.

    This video is relevant to the agency Primary Administrator, General Administrator and Reportable Allegation Officer, which are the roles within the Register with the permission to lodge a new reportable allegation.

    Watch the video

    Once you have viewed the module, please take the time to complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    Download our guide on lodging and approving reportable allegations.

    Module 9.2: New reportable allegation approval process

    This is the second of 4 modules which explore the functionality on the Residential Care Workers Register in relation to reportable allegations. This module will demonstrate the approval process once a new reportable allegation is lodged on the Register.

    This video is relevant to the agency Primary Administrator, General Administrator, Head of Relevant Entity and Reportable Allegation Officer, which are the roles involved in the management of reportable allegation entries. In particular, this module is relevant to the Head of Relevant Entity user role, as this role holds permission to approve the entry of a new reportable allegation.

    Watch the video

    Once you have viewed the module, please take the time to complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    Download our guide on lodging and approving reportable allegations.

    Module 9.3: Finalising a reportable allegation record

    This is the third of 4 modules which explore the functionality on the Residential Care Workers Register in relation to reportable allegations. This module will demonstrate the process of finalising a reportable allegation record on the Register. This will include looking at the finalised outcomes which can be recorded, the entry of the outcome and how to escalate the record to the Head of Relevant Entity for approval.

    This video is relevant to the agency Primary Administrator, General Administrator and Reportable Allegation Officer, which are the roles within the Register with the permission to lodge a finalised outcome for a reportable allegation.

    Watch the video

    Once you have viewed the module, please take the time to complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    Download our guide on lodging and approving reportable allegations.

    Module 9.4: HRE approval of finalised reportable allegation

    This is the fourth of 4 modules which explore the functionality on the Residential Care Workers Register in relation to reportable allegations. This module will demonstrate the Head of Relevant Entity approval process of a finalised reportable allegation record on the Register.

    This video is relevant to the agency Primary Administrator, General Administrator, Head of Relevant Entity and Reportable Allegation Officer, which are the roles involved in the management of reportable allegation entries. In particular, this module is relevant to the Head of Relevant Entity user role, as this role holds permission to approve the finalised outcome of a reportable allegation.

    Watch the video

    Once you have viewed the module, please take the time to complete a short survey to review your knowledge and learnings.

    Download our guide on lodging and approving reportable allegations.

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    You can now renew your WWCC by using digital proof of identity – no need to visit a Service NSW Centre.
    How to renew using digital proof of identity (POI)

    You will need:

    • A MyServiceNSW account with the WWCC service added
    • 3 current identity documents including a NSW driver licence or photo card
    • a device with a working front camera for face verification.

    If you're renewing a paid WWCC, you will also need a credit card, debit card, PayPal or PayID account.

    If you have an expired WWCC clearance or have changed your name on your identity documents since the last time you renewed your WWCC, you can't renew using digital proof of identity.

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