Guidance for completing our web-based 30-day interim report form

Last update: 15 August 2023

The information below will help you use our web-based Interim Report form.

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    1. OCG Reference

    Every employee who is the subject of a reportable allegation or reportable conviction notified under the Reportable Conduct Scheme has a distinct OCG reference number – eg, where your Interim Report relates to a matter involving 2 or more subject employees, each subject employee will have a different OCG reference number. You will find the reference number for each subject employee in the acknowledgement letter we sent you after assessing your 7-day notification. Our reference numbers generally follow this format: RN/2022/0000 or, for older matters, C/2019/0000.

    We have provided a tick box for when you have not yet been provided with the OCG reference number for the matter.

    Please note: You must submit an Interim Report form for each subject employee, however, the attachments only need to be uploaded with one of the forms if you are providing us with one investigation report relating to 2 or more subject employees.

    2. Acknowledgement

    This field captures whether you have provided all the relevant information in your 30 day Interim Report as specified under sections 36(2) and 38 of the Children’s Guardian Act. 

    We ask you to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in the dropdown box. If you select ‘Yes’, you are confirming that all the relevant information has been provided. If you select ‘No’, a text box will appear for you to provide the reasons why you have not provided the relevant information or documents at ss36(2) and 38. 

    More information on the responsibilities of Heads of Relevant Entities and submitting 30-day Interim Reports (PDF)

    3. Police involvement

    This field captures whether the police are, or have been, involved in the matter. If you select ‘No’ from the dropdown list, you are indicating that there has been no report made to the police about the matter, and they have not had any involvement to date. 

    If you select ‘Yes current’ from the dropdown list, you are indicating that the police are currently involved in the matter. A textbox will appear in which you can provide details of the police involvement – for example:

    The police are still investigating. The police officer I have contact with is Detective Senior Constable Billy Bloggs at (insert Police station or Police unit).

    If you select ‘Yes finalised’ from the dropdown list, you are indicating that the police investigation has finished. If you select this option, you will be able to provide us with the date on which the police investigation was finalised. If you are unaware of the date, you can select the tick box for ‘Unknown’. There is a text box under the date field, which allows you to provide details of the outcome of police investigation or involvement – for example:

    The police have advised that while concerning, the conduct as alleged did not amount to criminal conduct and closed their investigation. I have sent the police a request for information under Chapter 16A to inform our reportable conduct investigation.

    4. DCJ involvement

    This field captures whether the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) is, or has been, involved in the matter you have notified.

    If you select ‘No’ from the dropdown list, you are indicating that DCJ has not responded to any Helpline report or had any involvement in the matter to date.

    If you select ‘Yes current’ from the dropdown list, you are indicating that DCJ is currently involved in the matter. A textbox will appear in which you can provide details of DCJ’s involvement – for example:

    DCJ has advised they are continuing to make inquiries into the matter and their assessment is ongoing. The person I spoke to at DCJ is (insert name, title, and relevant contact details).

    If you select ‘Yes finalised’ from the dropdown list, you are indicating that DCJ’s involvement has finished. If you select this option, you will be able to provide us with the date on which DCJ’s involvement was finalised. If you are unaware of the date, you can select the ‘Unknown’ tick box.

    There is a text box that appears under the date field, which allows you to provide the details of the outcome of DCJ’s involvement – for example:

    DCJ has advised that their risk of significant harm assessment is complete. They also said that they substantiated harm. I have sent DCJ a request for information under Chapter 16A to inform our reportable conduct investigation.

    5. Current risk assessment

    In this field, you are asked to provide the rating for your current risk assessment. You provide this rating by selecting ‘High’, ‘Medium’, or ‘Low’ from the dropdown list. This will enable us to identify if your risk assessment has changed since your 7-day notification, including whether your assessment of risk has increased since that time. 

    6. Additional reportable allegations

    We ask you to update us on any additional reportable allegations you have become aware of since making your 7-day notification to the Children’s Guardian.

    This field has a dropdown box from which we ask you to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the question of whether or not additional reportable allegations have been raised. If you select ‘No’, you are indicating that no additional reportable allegations have been made.

    If you select ‘Yes’, you are indicating that you have become aware of additional reportable allegations or reportable convictions in relation to the subject employee. If you select ‘Yes’, a textbox will appear in which you can provide the details of those additional reportable allegations. It is important that you provide as much detail as you have at the time of submitting the 30-day report so we can assess the matter with reference to all relevant information.

    7. Attachments relevant to s36(2) and s38

    Sections 36(2) and 38 of the Act specify the information that must be included in your interim report. You may provide this information in an Investigation Plan and/or by providing other documents that meet ss36(2) and 38. The information is to include the reasons the investigation has not been completed in 30 days and an estimated timeframe for completion of the entity report.

    This field has a dropdown box from which we ask you to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to whether or not you have attached an Investigation Plan and/or other documentation. If you select ‘No’, you are indicating that you have not attached the documentation that is outlined at ss36(2) and 38. If you select ‘No’, a text box will appear in which you are asked to outline any investigative action you have taken to date, or any action that you propose to take, and why. This includes providing a reason if you have decided to take no further action.

    If you select ‘Yes’ from the dropdown, you are confirming that you have attached an Investigation Plan or other documents that include information outlined at ss36(2) and 38 of the Act.   

    8. Action taken

    This field captures the action you have taken in relation to the subject employee since your 7-day notification to the Children’s Guardian. There is a tick box list from which we ask you to select any action you have taken – for example, ‘Warning/direction’, ‘Restriction on current duties’, ‘Not re-engaged’. You can pick as many tick boxes as relevant. If you select ‘Other action’, a textbox will appear, where you can provide details of any other action you have taken.

    9. We will send you a copy of the information you submitted on the webform

    Once you have submitted all information related to your 30-day Interim Report form, our system will generate a copy of the information you have submitted, which you will receive by email. This email will be sent to the person named on the Interim Report form and the HRE or their delegate. We will also copy in the Contact Person for the matter. Please make sure you enter the correct email address.

    If you submit your Interim Report form between 9am-4pm on a weekday, you can expect to receive a copy of the information around one hour after you submitted it.

    When we have assessed your Interim Report, we may contact you to seek further information.

    Please note: It is important that the email address you include on the form is correct and sufficiently confidential. This is because the information you submit – and we email you a copy of – is highly sensitive.

    10. Issues with viewing or submitting the Interim Report webform

    If you’re experiencing any issues with the webform, in the first instance, please ensure you have the latest version of your browser downloaded – such as Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, or Samsung Internet.

    If you continue to have issues once you have downloaded the most recent version of your browser, please email us at

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    You can now renew your WWCC by using digital proof of identity – no need to visit a Service NSW Centre.
    How to renew using digital proof of identity (POI)

    You will need:

    • A MyServiceNSW account with the WWCC service added
    • 3 current identity documents including a NSW driver licence or photo card
    • a device with a working front camera for face verification.

    If you're renewing a paid WWCC, you will also need a credit card, debit card, PayPal or PayID account.

    If you have an expired WWCC clearance or have changed your name on your identity documents since the last time you renewed your WWCC, you can't renew using digital proof of identity.

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